Wednesday, 16 May 2007

well then here i am in granada. ¨no.1 photo oportunity¨ as our morrocan tour guide would say. i didn´t know andalucian spain was so hilly. it looks impossible in some places like a childs drawing.
i have some zip off shorts/pants. i made use of them today and the shorts are very short shorts. i feel even more funny and touristy with my white legs. oh well.
the camera memory is now getting low, so, hmmm.
what a great and interesting blog.
overlooking granada and the alhambra is a large hill. as you walk up it you pass gypsie cave homes. the views are better than any expencive villa or hotel in the whole city. they have little doors, and a fence sometimes a few chairs and a sun umbrella. i dont no what you have todo to live on that hill, mabey you just dig a hole. and no one seems to stop them. it´s land free for the taking, or something. most confusing.
i´m now up to .80c euro on the internet counter. how stressful.
its unbelieveble how i can have a mind blank, but i have. just a bit tired me thinks. so probly shouldn´t keep typing garbage and wasting euro cents. so Adios

1 comment:

julia_atdashers said...

oh my goodness!!!
this is amazing! i had no idea you were writing a blog about all this! Hi luv!! :)
Sounds like you're having a really fantastic time and you have completely inspired me to go travelling even more than i wanted to before! See that, you're an inspiration eh?! haha yay.
However i know i wont go the commercial route to travelling again, but of course i will NEVER EVER EVER go travelling with my family again :|
you're very lucky to have such a ridiculously cool family Harry! That's really the only word i could think of then; cool.
I still want to go to Ireland very much! Im going to work like a dog when i get home! And not at Brumby's either!!
Being here, just the thought of that place sends cold melancholly shivers down my spine.
anyway, i will send you an email when i have a bit more time. thanks for replying to me, keep having an amazing time Harry! :)
xx take care